ClientFox Racing
PlatformsMagento, AWS
SolutionsB2B eCommerce, UX Design, Integrations / Extensions
Fox Racing’s wholesale business arm has an incredible reach across Australia. From major retailers such as MX Store and AMA Warehouse, to smaller boutique suppliers of Fox products, much of this supply is driven through the Fox Racing Magento B2B portal.

In late 2020, Fox Racing came to OSE to deliver a B2B portal that would allow their wholesale customers to purchase products in bulk 24/7, 365 days a year.
Connected to their ERP Infor M3, Fox Racing were looking to offer their full array of current season and unsold excess stock via a B2B portal to their dealer network.
With careful planning and evaluation of the scope of works, OSE soon began working with the Fox team to deliver this important business tool.
Detailed Business Discovery and Analysis
One of the hallmarks of OSE project delivery, is ensuring we gather as much information during the scoping phase of our projects.
In the case of Fox Racing’s B2B project, we undertook a detailed discovery period with the Fox team to evaluate how we could best deliver the project requirements. For example, unlike the Fox Racing B2C solution, we had to ensure the following items were delivered:
• Accounts based purchasing
• Account limits
• Wholesale and RRP pricing
• Back-ordering including lead times, and
• Company account provisioning
Our discovery period involved both in-person and video conversations discussing and documenting the scope of works. As with all customers, Fox had a budget for delivery, phase 1 if you will, and throughout our discovery process, we ensured maximum value was delivered in accordance with the project timeline.

B2B UX: The key to a successful B2B solution
One of the key considerations during this project was UX (User Experience Design). To achieve a really strong outcome for the client, we had to ensure front-end screens such as the category grid and product pages were geared for B2B retailing.
With this in mind, the major difference between a B2B and B2C customer is B2B customers don’t typically purchase single items. In fact, many B2B stores have minimum purchase limits, commonly $500 per transaction, therefore your UX needs to take this into account.
Items such as the ability to order multiple quantities of a product in different colours or sizes from a single click, use of category grids to display products size options and available stock quantities was a major component of our design phase, and something the OSE team really delivered on.
Data, Development and Multiple Warehouses
Given the scope of Fox Racing’s operations as a B2B distributor, ensuring their data was supported by a series of development finite sprints was a must.
With stock spread across multiple warehouses, we used Magento Commerce’s MSI (Multi-Source Inventory) feature to ensure stock counts were accurate and kept up to date at all times.
For images, we used Amazon’s S3 (Simple Storage Service) to handle product media. This service is a fantastic way to deliver cost-effective image storage and access to media, and has been a common feature in many OSE projects.
Using Magento’s out-of-the-box 3-environment configuration (Integration, Staging and Production), OSE undertook 6 development sprints to ensure this B2B solution was developed and tested as needed. Integration to deliver our code; Staging to undertake both internal and customer-facing UAT (User Acceptance Testing), and Production to release our public-facing solution.

The Result: Strong Dealer Network Up-take
At the end of every project, no matter how visually stunning or technically perfect the solution may be, the target user group needs to use the product for it to be a success.
In the case of Fox, the group has seen wide dealer network up take, increased transactional volume, and an increase in the total size of transactions typically being put through from their customer base.
With any and all B2B solutions, listening to your customers and delivering on their requirements is the key to success, and we must congratulate the Fox Racing team for being such a fantastic customer and contributor to this project outcome.

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